Wall Fabric: Innovative Wall Covering Solution

This is a next-generation wall fabric designed with advanced technology to offer versatile, high-quality wall covering. Key features include:

Thermal & Sound Insulation: Provides 23% heat and 25% sound insulation.
Durable & Tear-Resistant: Highly durable, tear-proof, and suitable for rough or uneven surfaces.
Breathable & Long-Lasting: Breathable fabric enhances wall longevity and prevents mold or odor build-up.
Easy to Clean: Soft, velvet-like texture can be easily wiped without wear.
Removable & Reusable: Easily removable and transferable to another wall without damage.
Safe Materials: Free from harmful substances and certified for health and safety.
With millions of color and pattern options, it allows you to create elegant, healthy, and enduring spaces.

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